Founder Message
We started our School in 1989. In the academic year 2009-10, 112 students joined
us in different classes from the 1st to the 12th standards, Junior College and Polytechnic
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Recent Visitors
There were so many honorable persons visited to our school....
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Courses Offered
Apart from the Basic educational we also provide
During the year under review we identified different types of vocational training according to the needs of our intended beneficiaries. We provide Tailoring, Drawing, Embroidery, Computer course. As there are not always enough salaried jobs in the market, we encourage the young people we help in completing their vocational training to become entrepreneurs and start their own small business.
Through our healthcare program we provide a variety of healthcare services to the underprivileged community living in rural areas and urban slums. We hold regular medical check-up camps and detected the common ailments. Medically qualified personnel were provided for conducting these check-up camps. Patients with no serious ailments were provided medical treatment of the spot and give medicines. Serious patients were enrolled for continuing with their treatment. In some cases hospitalization was arranged.
As initial motivation, our trust conducted women social awareness camps. Each day about 100 women participated from different streets. During the awareness camp it has been taught about family planning family welfare, legal awareness, regarding Government Economic Program also it has been discussed about health and hygiene for women participants. The participants have been actively involved in the program and come forward to participate in economical activities which organization is going to undertake.